Code of Conduct for Students

Bombay Bunts Association (BBA) Bunts Institute for Higher Education

I. Attendance

1. Attendance at all lectures/tutorials/practicals/tests/examination is compulsory for all subjects. A student, who is not regular in attendance or fails to carry out his/her work to the satisfaction of the principal, is liable to cancellation of his/her terms.

2. A student who does not have minimum required attendance of 75% of the actual lectures/tutorials/practicals conducted in each term or do not show satisfactory progress in terminal/preliminary/ Test Series examination will not be sent for college/University examinations.

3. Periodicals test /Test Series / Seminars are compulsory for the students of all classes.

4. A student who remains absent should submit the medical certificate, along with the application endorsed by parent.

5. A student who remains absent for three consecutive days is required to submit a leave application duly signed by his / her parent/ guardian.

6. Students who are not permitted for the University Examination will not be re-admitted to the college.

II. Discipline

1. Students should always wear their valid college identity card whenever in the college or should be produced whenever demanded by any of the college staff. No student is allowed to enter in the college premises without valid identity card.

2. In case of any problem, personal or academic, students should report to the respective class teacher or the Vice Principal or the Principal who will help them to solve their problems.

3. Every student is responsible to the college and should take almost care of the college premises/property. Any damage done to the college is to be compensated either individually or collectively.

4. Any damage to the college building, furniture and fixtures by the student shall be treated as breach of discipline.

5. Students should observe punctuality. Appropriate action will be taken against late comers.

6. No committee or organization of students is permitted in the college.

7. Student will not be allowed to bring any outsider with them in the college but in special case parents or any outsiders may be allowed with prior permission and valid reason and entering the name on the gate register.

8. No person, other than college staff, can be invited to address any meeting or to participate in the college activity without prior permission of the Principal.

9. Students are not supposed to loiter in the college corridors or college premises.

10.Students are expected to be seated in their respective classrooms at the stroke of the first bell and wait for the teacher. Students are to make use of the library/reading rooms during free periods.

11. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the college premises.

12. If the conduct of any student is detrimental to the college, the principal may ask the student to leave the college without assigning any reason. The Principal's decision is final in this regard.

13. No student shall collect any money without the written permission of the Principal.

14. Discipline and good behavior and expected from the students at all social gathering and celebrations at the college.

15. No notice shall be put on the notice boards, including black boards without the written permission of the Principal or the vice Principal authorized in the matter concerned.

16. All programmes, meeting, gathering, picnic, hiking etc., will be organized only with prior written permission of the Principal.

17. The power relating to the disciplinary action in the college will be the Principal and his/her decision in this respect shall be final. Anyone with violates the code of conduct will be severely dealt with.

18. Students are not allowed to make complaints in a body or present any collective petition, but they are welcome to present their case, if any, individually.

19. All the circulars, notices related to examinations and other programmers etc. are displayed on the college notice board, concerned students will be held responsible for the loss, if they failed to read the notice.

III. Behavior and Conduct

1. Students are prohibited from doing anything inside the college that will interfere in college administration or affect its public image. No outside influence, political or any other should be brought into the, directly or indirectly.

2. Courtesy and respect must be the key aspects of students' behavior. Disrespect and disobedience may result in disciplinary action, involving suspension or even expulsion.

3. When the teacher enters the classroom, the student rise, remain standing still they are directed to sit down. When the attendance roll is called, each one must rise and give the presence.

4. Students are expected to greet all visitors and members of the staff with respect. They should always remember that the college is judged by their conduct. Any major breach of discipline and courtesy, and also disrespect for the members of the college staff, will be treated as serious and respective student/s for such misbehavior will be summarily dismissed.

5. Scribbling on the walls and desks etc. should be avoided. If any student is found scribbling the walls/desks, disciplinary action shall be taken against him/her.

6. All students are responsible to the college authorities for their behavior both in and outside the college, both individually and collectively. Any report or it is observed objectionable conduct outside the college on the part of the students shall render them liable for disciplinary action.

7. Throwing waste paper, defacing the walls and committing nuisance on the college grounds are punishable offences.

8. Students are not allowed to play in any team against the official team of the college.

9. Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting within the college or collect money for any purpose from students and outsiders or to circulate among the students any notice or petition of any kind or paste it on the college notice board without the written permission of the Principal.

10. The college is not responsible to goods or money lost in college premises. It is advisable not to bring valuables to the college.

11. No books other than text books or reference books or library magazines etc. are brought to the college.

12. All students should be very particular about cleanliness of the college. They should use the baskets and bins specially provided for.

13. Habitual idleness, late coming willful disobedience or misconduct, individually or collectively will be seriously dealt with.

14. Students suffering from diseases declared infectious by a Registered Medical Practitioner and which requires quarantine or segregation will not be permitted to attend the college without being certified as cured by the same Medical practitioner.

15. Any students who is persistently insubordinate or is repeatedly or willfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractices in connection with examinations or has committed an act of serious indiscipline and / or misbehavior, or who, in the opinion of the principal has an unwholesome influence on his fellow students may be suspended from the college for specified period or even expelled from the college.

16. Insubordination and indecent language or conducts are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the student.

17. Students should switch off the lights, fans etc; when not required and also while leaving the classrooms/ laborites / library.

18. Students joining the college are, by the very fact, deemed to accept and observe all the rules and regulation to the college to the entire satisfactions of the college authorities.

19. Bringing of Mobile within the campus is strictly prohibited as per University norms. If any student found with mobile, the mobile set shall be forfeited and strict action shall be taken against the student.

20. The college does not enforce a dress code for B.COM. These students are expected to observe decorum to enhance the image of the college. However T-Shirts without collars or having pictures or slogans and multi-pocket trousers or pants are strictly not allowed.

IV. Ragging is Prohibited

Government of Maharashtra has notified ragging as a cognizable offence. Any one reported to be involved in any form of ragging will be severely dealt with. Therefore, students are advised to restrain from indulging in any form of ragging.

Section87 (4) of Maharashtra University Act, 1994

All power relating to disciplinary action against students in a college or institution not mentioned by the University shall vest in the Principal of the college or Head of the Institution as regulated by the ordinances.

1) Students shall abide by the general and special rules as laid down with regard to their conduct and progress in studies, vide section 87(4) to (8) of the Maharashtra University act 1994 and any other rules made by college authorities from time to time.

2) Students will be responsible and subject to the control of the college authorities with regard to their conduct both on the campus and outside the college.

3) In case of inability to attend lectures due to illness, students must apply for leave, along with the doctor's certificate immediately by post. Such students shall report to the Principal before resuming attendance.

4) The students shall be governed by University of Mumbai ordinance O.118 relating to attendance. O.119:

Faculty First Term Second Term
Commerce Three fourth of the days on which lectures and delivered Three fourth of the days on which lectures are delivered.

5) 0.225: To keep a term at a college or recognized institution, an undergraduate must complete to the satisfaction of the principal or the Head or the Institution the courses of study at the college or institution prescribed for such terms for the class to which such undergraduate then belongs. Attendance for the day would mean attendance at all lectures / tutorials during the day. Absence from any lecture/tutorial would to absence for the whole day.

6) Defaulters list will be prepared & displayed on the notice board on 10th of every month. If the name of any student appears in more than two defaulters list, a meeting of their parent will be called. Such students may not be allowed to appear for the Examination

V. Attendance & Grant of Terms

a.Every bonafide learner shall ordinarily be allowed to keep terms for the given semester in a program of his enrolment, only if he fulfils at least seventy five percent (75%) of the attendance taken as an average of the total number of lecturers. Practical, tutorials etc. wherein short and / or long excursions/fielded visits/study tours organized by the college and supervised by the teachers as envisaged in the syllabus shall be credited to his attendance for the total no of periods which are otherwise delivered on the material day/s. Further it is mandatory for every learner to have min 50% attendance for each course & average attendance has to be 75%.

b. The same ratio shall be applied for computing the attendance of the learners by crediting the number of periods which are missed while participating in an extracurricular/co-co-curricular. Activity/competition-cum-workshop/convention/symposium/seminar etc. where the said learner is officially representing the college/University / District/State/country with the permission of the Principal/Director/Head of the College/Institute as the case may be wherein for the purpose of computing the average attendance the periods missed for what is envisaged here-in-above, at Sr. No. 1 shall be deemed to have been attended by the said learner.

c. Student who fail to maintain the condition of minimum attendance on account of bonafide illness, or any other reason which is deemed right by the Principal should apply in writing to the Principal for leave of absence, prior or within 2 days from the date of commencement of such a leave, failing which they will be treated as defaulters.

d. All applications for leave of absence along with medical certificate, if any, are to be submitted to the college office (inward section) and not directly to any teacher.

VI. General

a.Students, who request leave of absence from lectures / Practical's/Tutorials for participation in sports, games, cultural or any other activities for and on the behalf of the college/activity group, should submit the application countersigned by the respective Prof-in-Charge before the commencement of such a leave failing which they will be treated as defaulters.

b. Parents are requested to kindly contact the Prof-in-charge of class, Head of Department, Vice-Principal or the Principal, at least once in a term, to keep themselves abreast with their ward's attendance and progress

Note: Matter not covered under the existing rules will rest at the absolute discretion of the Principal.

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